Trying to find new ways to present yourself or your business can be challenging. Its seems like the more technologically advanced we become as a society the more we have to do. Now that I've entered the bloggosphere, well that's just one more thing to update. I have to wonder if this whole experience is futile? Is it worth it to be sitting in front of a computer for hours posting links on twitter or updates on facebook? Is the world just inundated with this constant overflow of information? Does anyone out there even care what I have to say. Isn't there something better I could be doing right now like painting....
The romantic notion which I once harbored that an artist, a true artist lived life on the margins of society, a vagabond if you will, constantly donning a sketchbook and sipping black coffee at an outdoor cafe, undoubtedly consumed by some form of beauty or another. That distant dream I used to dream where I am that artist is long gone. Sure I still daydream about having a loft and a case of wine and long black cigarettes and I stay up all night throwing paint around while listening to Leonard Cohen records, but the reality is that I am just not that free. Being some one's mother aside, there are so many distractions that life offers. Is getting a college degree that important? Is working for $6 an hour 5 days a week worth it? Does my daughter's teacher really need to insist that I spend 2 hours a night reviewing third grade educational materials every freakin night? The list of dull expectations the world has for me goes on and on.
So why am I wasting my time sounding like someone who just bitches and moans all day? Truly, I despise people who whine about themselves. I assure you that is not my intent within these here paragraphs. I'm merely caught between the daydreams I have and the realities I face. Aristotle said "Hope is a waking dream" and right now I feel as if I just woke up. Looking out my window, the temptation to just play hookie today is gripping. The allure of a bottle of red wine (or maybe a bottle of inspiration known as "the green fairy" now that Absinthe is finally legal) beckons me to grab a fresh canvas and reward myself with 24 hours of doing what I truly love, instead of writing about it on some lame ass social network. Instead of pretending that I care about blogs, twits, stats, rss feeders, and url links, wouldn't I be much more successful if I focused on being an artist? Sadly, not today. I must go on. That bachelors degree is so close I can almost touch it, I desperately need the $36 in tips I'll earn today, and I'm pretty sure some one would call the authorities if I tried to pick my daughter up from school knee deep in a bottle of Absinthe.... maybe next lifetime!
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