Thursday, March 3, 2011


I wish i had 30 bucks.
This book is on my wish list. Anything Juxtapoz is worth the money but I'm totally hoping that my husband buys me this as a belated valentines gift. In addition to this titillating new book of erotica, the Juxtapoz Magazine is doing a super cool special edition this April called "Art in the Streets". I'm especially excited to read the interview with Shepard Fairey. I'm not the world's biggest fan of graffiti, and I don't understand the art form as well as a lot of people. In the late 90's, I was a young pony trotting around the streets of Boston and I clearly remember seeing the "OBEY" stickers and stenciled graffiti all over. Like many others, I was drawn to the likeness of Andre the Giant, and wanted to know more. Why were these images everywhere. Then I began to see them in other cities I travelled to. Now a days there are many a copy out there trying to get their 15 minutes like in Willimantic the "figurehead experiment". I do have to admit that I have seen the figurehead all over New England, and I do think its a nifty concept and all. Nothing compares however, to the original "Obey". Later in my formal education in Art History when I learned about the Dada movement and artsts like Marcel Duchamps it dawned on me that those stickers were more that just clever and humorous reminders of my childhood with a messgae that inspired me to question authority (because like most teenagers when someone commands me to "Obey" my natural instinct was to do just the opposite and I'm convinced that was Shepard Fairey's intent).

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